Dry Brushing

Hope you all are doing well with the busy holiday season!

I wanted to tell you all about dry brushing! Now guys, before you exit- just give me a chance to explain. I found dry brushing on pinterest- where all good ideas live. I’ve heard of it before, but never really thought anything of it. The link had me intrigued and so I clicked to learn more.


Why should you dry brush? Dry brushing helps stimulate lymph and cardiovascular flow. It also promotes tighter skin, new cell growth, and aids in kidney and digestion. Stimulating your lymphatic system helps drain out the toxins in your body. They key to this is to dry brush towards your heart. I think another added benefit people haven’t included is anxiety reducing. I feel very relaxed and refreshed when I dry brush. Personally, I dry brush before I get in the shower to then clean my new, dead skin cell free skin. After the shower, I’ll use a nice gentle cream (non-clogging because I have sensitive skin) and I feel fresh and ready for the day.

dry skin brush direction

sources: Huffington Post, EatingBirdFood, and Ashley’sGreenLife

A few tips to start

  • always brush dry skin
  • if you can, use a natural brush. I have a cheap synthetic loofah from the grocery store. I don’t dry brush every day because it’s not a natural material. But you should aim to dry brush almost daily.
  • brush towards your heart- stimulates cardiovascular and lymphatic flow.
  • Don’t dry brush your face- I tried it out and it hurt the skin and my checks were red

I have noticed such a difference! I have dry, bumpy skin on the backs of my arms and legs, which is now significantly smother and the redness is almost gone! My cellulite is diminishing, and the best part? It’s helping out my stretch marks! It’s by no means a drastic change, but I can detect a slight difference in the skin’s firmness (skin elasticity). So guys (if you are still with me) this can help with dry skin, it will make your skin more firm, and give you more of a natural manly glow.

I’ve gotten into more home remedy stuff because it’s cheap and convenient , it usually works better than anything over the counter, and I really enjoy the excuse to spend time with myself. Whether it’s dry brushing, face masks, or any other beauty regimen, it’s nice to give myself some well deserved pampering.

If you have any cardiovascular/ lymphatic issues, you should consult your doctor before dry brushing. Certain diseases/illnesses can be exacerbated by stimulation.  

In other news: I subbed for two classes yesterday!!! It was the first time I’ve ever taught a fitness class and I had a great time! It’s nice to belong to a gym that is also a community. Everyone in both classes were so encouraging and gave me useful feedback. overall they said I did a good job and that I gave a challenging class. I’ll post the HIIT class workout I did for ya’ll!

Hope you’re having a nice holiday!


New yoga goal for 2015!

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