Body Acceptance

Hey everyone, hope you are all well!

A friend of mine has a blog that I frequent to when I miss her. One post was about the dreaded bathing suit search. She was coming back to VT for a quick visit, and I wanted to make her something becasue a. I love her and miss her, and b. because she’s such an amazing and beautiful person that she deserves kind thoughts instead of self doubt. Through pinterest and fitness I was inspired to make her motivational signs she can hang around her room or mirror.


As a normal person (like all people one time or another in their lives) I have also struggled with body image and acceptance. Something could always be thinner or bigger- depending on what area I’m looking at. I feel like I’ve been seeing and hearing more and more about the body image campaign and how people are trying to change the way society views beauty and yet still hearing such negative self talk. It’s even becoming more prevalent in the male community (because men should be able talk more about their feeling and insecurities without being ridiculed). As a cancer patient, I’ve come a long way with how I view my body and more importantly- my whole self.

When they first told me I had cancer, and that I would need neck surgery, all I could think about was this horrid neck scar I would have. It was hard enough to look in the mirror and not see my old body before my weight loss journey had started. They told me it would be pretty big and all I could think of was scarves, turtlenecks, and trying not to look like Frankenstein. After surgery, it was really hard for me to take off my my bandages for the first time. It was the moment of truth, you know? The first time I would see my scar and how I would see it every day for the rest of my life. A visual reminder of my struggle every time I get ready for the day. At first, I cried. I was shaking so much my boyfriend had to take the tape off for me. Talk about a self acceptance moment. It’s hard not to look at your body when it betrays you with sickness or injury.

Here I am, one year, six months and three days from my diagnosis. And I’ll tell you something, I love my scar. I love myself! I have sop much appreciation for what I do every day that I am here and present on this earth. Of course we all have days, but I feel proud and remind myself that I’m pretty awesome. It takes a lot to get the human body going, and not only am I awake and working, I’m participating in all aspects of my life! I work multiple jobs, exercise, have this blog, have a beautiful and loving relationship and so much more. How wonderful it is to work with myself and accept that I am not perfect, but I am wonderful and unique. There is not a single other person in this world that can tell the same story.

It’s so amazing to start a fundamental change and be excited to work towards a fulfilling goal.


In fitness news- I’ve been looking around at studios to try out all the different classes Burlington and the greater Chitteden County area has to offer. With my busy life, it’s going to take me a bit longer. I found an Iyengar yoga studio that I’ll have to check out soon too (and report back on). In the mean time, I get emails regularly from a few fitness websites, one in particular called Popsugar. It gives me all sorts of articles including fashion, food, workouts, and yoga. I really like the model they have for yoga and found out- she teachers in Essex! Near my gym!!

I do yoga at the same studio!
I’ve done yoga here!

I’m actually really excited about this. Kind of like star struck. I’m going to try to go to one of her classes and maybe awkwardly say hi and tell her I read her articles.

Hope you all have a nice day 🙂
